The art of Public Speaking

Tue, 09 Mar, 2021

What Is The Need For Daily Routine Dialogue In English For Kids? 

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English is the most common language in the entire world. Its use extends beyond daily life; to professional and academic domains. If your child’s first language is not English, it can become difficult for them to communicate and understand daily English conversations happening in their classrooms or other social settings. Not being able to comprehend daily routine dialogues in English can make them feel left out, which can hamper their confidence and growth.

Therefore, it is important to practice everyday conversation dialogues in English. This will not only improve their interpersonal Communication Skills but also improve their command of the English language. Parents can start developing their kid’s English conversation skills through ordinary English dialogue in their everyday conversations. 

Whether your child is introducing themselves, answering questions in the classroom, or giving a show and tell presentation, kids need to convey the right message to express themselves effectively. Learning daily basic conversation skills prepares your child to step foot in the real world that works on interpersonal communication. 

English daily dialogue courses will help your child express themselves better and build a strong foundation for success in the future.

Book a FREE Trial of PlanetSpark’s English daily dialogue conversation skills course for kids to help your child to stand out in every conversation. 

What Are The Benefits Of Daily Dialogue Conversation Skill Classes For Students?

Communicating is crucial for thriving in today's society. As they grow older, your kids will come across different personalities and their daily dialogue conversation skills will play a huge role in them developing new relationships and strengthening old ones. With the right daily dialogue conversation training, kids will be able to maintain an excellent long-lasting first impression while talking to influential people. 

It can become difficult for many students, and adults, to carry forward a conversation when talking to someone new. But the people who can effectively communicate through English daily dialogues, are remembered for their positive personalities and way of communicating. 

Daily dialogue conversation skill classes for students are curated by experts to improve children’s self-development, creative thinking skills, and problem-solving potential. Our objective is to make students future-ready for every step of their lives through everyday English speaking dialogue courses for beginners. 

The benefits of our online daily dialogue conversation training for children are 

  1. Lays foundation for self-development

Parents can lay the foundation for their kid’s self-development and confidence by enrolling them in online daily dialogue conversation training  for children. By teaching your child the necessary traits of self-regulation and temperament, we aim to help children in making healthy friendships and developing meaningful relationships with the people they meet throughout their academic and personal lives. 

  1. Builds Active Listening Habit

An essential part of everyday conversation skills in English is active listening abilities. Some parents might feel that their children are listening but not comprehending the information being conveyed. This is a symptom of passive listening. Our online daily dialogue conversation classes for students focus on building active listening habits, which will further their critical thinking. 

  1. Dealing with feedback and interruption

Effective communication goes beyond exchanging dialogues. Interruptions and feedback are crucial aspects of meaningful English daily conversation dialogues. Many adults, to date, feel lost when given feedback during a conversation. Our English daily conversation dialogue classes for kids will teach them ways to deal with feedback without letting it affect their self-esteem. 

  1. Enhance life skills

A child who can employ various life skills depending on the situation they are in or people they are dealing with is considered an independent and confident individual. We engage children in practical activities on daily routine conversation dialogue to establish life skills in them including problem-solving, decision making, critical thinking, and effective communication. 

  1. Improve Creative Abilities

Daily English dialogue conversation classes for children are going to broaden the horizons of your child's creative abilities. If children can express themselves clearly and concisely from a young age, they are more likely to experiment with creative forms of expression and communication as they grow. Activities and exercises curated by our experts are going to focus on special creative expressions that children can use in their daily conversations.   

What Does PlanetSpark’s Online Daily English Dialogue Conversation Course For Children Offer?

PlanetSpark offers a comprehensive module for online daily English dialogue conversation courses for children of all levels.

Our course curriculum is designed by experts from top global universities keeping in mind the current skill set and potential of each child.

Every teacher is a PSAT (PlanetSpark Aptitude Test) qualified English expert who follows a highly-activity centric pedagogy that includes short learning exercises on speaking, listening, and writing skills. 

Our daily English dialogue conversation course for students offers extensive learning in the following key fields: 

  1. Public speaking skills

The common trait amongst all successful public speakers is their ability to ace daily English dialogue conversations. Introducing your child to a proper daily routine dialogue conversation course for students will help them in developing their interpersonal communication skills. Once the child is confident in their conversational skills, it will be easy for them to inform, motivate and influence large groups of people, furthering their public speaking skills. Public speaking will also accentuate their professional lives. 

Book a FREE Trial of our Public Speaking Course for Students right now!

  1. Listening exercises

Before beginning with daily English conversation dialogues, a child needs to reform his listening habits. This includes enhancing their focus and attention in order to develop active learning skills. We curate different activities and exercises like storytelling and audiobooks to transform your child’s passive listening into active listening. A key aspect of daily English dialogue conversation skills is the ability to comprehend what's being communicated. 

  1. Basics of English language

Children should be taught how to apply the English language in their everyday routine conversation dialogues. The importance of using English in interpersonal communication can not be brushed under the carpet. Our online English daily routine conversation dialogue classes are going to provide your child with a comprehensive understanding of the English language. Our expert faculty is going to start by introducing students to the fundamentals of grammar. Thereon, with each class and activity, new words are going to be added to their vocabulary. 

  1. Creative writing

The scope of our  English daily routine conversation dialogue classes goes beyond developing your child’s listening and speaking skills. We are aware of the positive impact that creative writing has on a kid’s daily English conversation dialogue skills. This is why we include creative writing exercises and activities in our curriculum to develop idea generation potential in children in their formative years. We encourage children to use the techniques of summarising and paraphrasing through different storybooks to develop their analytical skills. 

Book your FREE classes now!

Daily Dialogue Conversation Class Activities And Worksheets

Daily English conversation dialogues will help children with their self-development and wellbeing. This is because having the essential skill to start or carry forward a conversation is going to help children be a part of meaningful peer groups and make long-lasting healthy relationships with others. 

Many children shy away from putting across their thoughts and opinions because they lack confidence in themselves. Parents should develop the habit of listening to their children and encouraging them to ask for what they need. Daily routine English conversation dialogue practice will not only help your child gain confidence but also strengthen your relationship with them. 

Children have the tendency to pick traits and behaviors from their environment and implement them in their own style. Therefore, it is important for parents to constantly engage their children in meaningful daily English conversation dialogue activities and exercises. 

Some conversation starters that parents can focus on while they are spending time with their children to spark their creativity and enhance their daily English conversation skills are: 

  • What do you like most about our family?

  • What is that one thing that you do not need, but will be happy to have?

  • What is your least favourite subject to study?

  • What is your favourite movie and why? 

  • Where do you want to go on vacation next?

  • Which superpower do you wish you had?

  • Why do you think kindness is important?

  • One snack you wish you could eat forever.

  • How do you think people should manage their anger?

  • What do you want to be when you grow up? And why do you want to be that?

Planetspark’s online daily English conversation dialogue courses incorporate various activities and worksheets that are going to instil positive attitudes and behaviour like gratitude, teamwork, honesty, generosity, and open-mindedness. Additionally, these behaviours are going to reflect in your child’s interview, public speaking, and group discussions skills.

Following are some of the activities that we conduct regularly in our online English daily conversations dialogue training for students:

  • We encourage children to participate in different kinds of storytelling activities to improve their creativity and interpersonal communication skills. Storytelling prompts are given to children in the form of writing or picture cards. Using these prompts the students have to form and tell a short story. 

  • We conduct mock interview activities to enhance students’ interview skills and make them future-ready to step foot into the competitive world. Without proper interview skills, your child might lose fruitful opportunities, even with the right knowledge on the subject. 

  • Roleplay activities allow children to step in someone else's shoes and train them to act differently based on the situation. This activity enhances their analytical and quick-thinking skills.

  • We put special emphasis on drawing and painting, which are some of the most significant forms of self-expression. Children will be told to draw what they want to become and then speak on it for 2 minutes. 

  • Show and tell is a famous activity that has been on our curriculum too. In this activity, children are encouraged to speak about an object for 5 minutes. This enhances their creativity, imagination, and promptness. 

  • Visual mediums often work better at influencing children into conducting positive daily English conversation dialogues. One of our activities involves watching children-friendly movies and videos. After completing the video, the students will be asked to speak on the key highlights. 

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How do you teach daily dialogue conversation skills?

Daily English dialogue conversation skills can be taught to children using engaging activities and exercises which focus on their interpersonal communication, active listening, and reading comprehension. 

  1. What is a daily dialogue conversation skill course?

PlanetSpark has curated a comprehensive daily dialogue conversation skill course that focuses on enhancing basic conversation skills in young learners and improving their command of the English language. 

  1. Is there an audio worksheet for daily dialogue conversation?

Yes, we provide audio worksheets in virtual classrooms that the students can complete as homework as well. These worksheets assess your child’s progress over the course of daily dialogue conversation skill classes.

  1. How to become more confident in daily dialogue conversation skills?

To become confident in daily dialogue conversation skills children should focus on the following key areas through engaging activities:

  • Improvement of basic English language

  • Development of active listening

  • Enhancing their interpersonal communication skills

  • Building a proper reading comprehension

  1. Will my child's English improve by training with Planetspark?

Our carefully curated curriculum and team of highly qualified teachers will make sure that your child reaps the maximum benefits from our daily dialogue conversation skill classes for students.

  1. Which PlanetSpark training is best suited for a shy 5-year kid?

Daily dialogue conversation training for toddlers is best suited for a shy 5-year shy.

  1. Is there homework in the daily English dialogue conversation course?

Yes, we think homework is an essential part of the self-development of children. We provide regular worksheets for the students to do as homework. 

  1. How does PlanetSpark provide feedback?

Our teachers provide feedback to students in the form of virtual meetings and weekly assessment mark sheets. This way the student can work on their strengths and weaknesses consistently. 

  1. What is the age bracket for children to get enrolled in a Planetspark course?

Children between the age of 4-14 years can get enrolled in daily dialogue English conversation skill classes.  

  1.  How to enroll my child in a daily dialogue conversation skill course?

Go to PlanetSpark’s website right now to book a free trial for a daily dialogue conversation skill course and get your child enrolled after the completion of the trial. 

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