
Sun, 18 Oct, 2020

Poverty is Just a State of Mind and We Need to Change it!

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From childhood, we are told that money cannot buy us happiness. Many rich people worldwide are not happy, yet many people living in Poverty are the happiest. Poverty is just a state of mind, and we can change it. We can learn to be grateful for what we have and discard greediness. Even our modern world has Poverty, but people are living in peace.

What Is Poverty?


Poverty is a condition in which poor people lack the necessary financial resources to afford a basic standard of living. Poverty denotes a lack of money and restriction on everyday human life. Poor people can't pay their hospital, educational, and housing bills without money.

What Is The Cause Of Poverty?

There are many reasons behind the cause of Poverty. In an overpopulated country like India, unemployment and illiteracy are common problems. Industries have limited seats, and schools need a minimum amount of money. For this, people are not able to work and earn their livelihood. Other extreme causes of Poverty are war and political instability.

Poverty is just a state of mind

poor child in the landfill

If someone does not know better alternatives, then the basic minimum money will be enough for him. He will be happy with one meal per day. Surrounded by loved ones will make him forget the absence of a bed to sleep in. This proves that Poverty is just a state of mind.

How Do We Change The State Of Mind?

Poverty is a state of mind that can be changed by self-belief. Staying happy with the bare minimum and having a rich mindset will be effective. We can focus on things we have rather than those we want to have. Happiness can be attained without a huge amount of money.


Our historic Sadhus taught us how to live with the bare minimum. By renouncing everything, they went to jungles to live on fruits and water. Great philosophers like Swami Vivekananda have also preached how to discard greed. Richness in the mind will truly result in happiness.

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  1. How to overcome Poverty?

By having quality education and economic help.

  1. Is Poverty a state of mind?

Yes, Poverty is a state of mind that can be changed.

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