
Mon, 05 Dec, 2022

Farmers' Markets: A Growing Necessity for Healthier Food Choices!

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The primary sources of a child’s overall development are growth hormones in dairy products and antibiotics in meat. The physicians also suggest that the children must be provided with hormone-rich fruits, vegetables, and food items. However, the amount of these hormones in the food is also an important factor to consider for your child’s health. 

The practice of using pesticides on food and the diffusion of artificial hormones into dairy products are the main reasons behind the imbalance caused in the number of hormones. To maintain the healthiness of food, the government and food licensing agencies constantly regulate the amount of hormones that can be diffused in food items. 

But the impact of the hormones on different livestock is different and cannot be governed completely. So, the best alternative for maintaining healthy practices in a child is to stick with healthy organic food.

Why Do Farmers Diffuse Artificial Hormones In Food Items?

Organic food

The primary question that would arise in your mind would be why are these artificial hormones diffused in dairy products by the farmers? The simple answer to this vital question is the term “profit”. The growth hormones diffused into the livestock help in their growth and milk yield. 

Hormones are present naturally in animals and plants, and are responsible for protein-rich meat, fruits, and vegetables. The diffused artificial hormones increase the weight of animals. The rise in weight results in more production of milk and meat.

The use of hormones in the dairy and meat industries has become a common practice among farmers for a decade now. Synthetic oestrogen and testosterone are the most commonly used artificial hormones. 

The diffusion of hormones in the animals starts at an early age by implanting a pellet in a cow’s ear. It diffuses the hormones in the cattle for their whole lives. They also have an effect on the quality of the meat and milk that the animals make.

What Are The Effects Of Artificial Hormones On A Child’s Health?

Organic food

A small amount of hormones in milk, dairy, and other food items is required for a child’s overall growth. These hormones are helpful in the child’s growth and in controlling certain physical and pathological functions. 

But what if the quantity of these artificial hormones is not controlled? The high diffusion of these hormones in food items causes serious problems in both cattle and humans. Both have been exposed to the main side effects that are:

  • It affects the pathological functioning of a child’s endocrine system.

  • It alters the growth, development, and reproduction of human beings and animals.

  • It increases the chances of breast cancer in girls.

  • Artificial hormones are responsible for early puberty in children.

The levels of these synthetic hormones in meat and dairy products are regulated by various food licensing agencies. But the effects of these hormones are a long-term process, and are not experienced immediately. The exact quantity of artificial hormones that should be injected into a particular animal cannot be determined accurately. 

The use of these hormones has been a point of debate for a long time, but has no valid conclusion. It is always advisable to be cautious when dealing with health issues, as it is the costliest asset you have in your life. Organic food, which is free from these artificial hormones, is the best solution you can look for to maintain your child’s health.

Organic Food: The Alternative To Unhealthy Artificial Hormones

According to physicians and nutritionists, the quantity of hormones in fruits, vegetables, and other food items has increased without the use of any kind of pesticides, artificial hormones, or antibiotics, and is approximately equal to human requirements. Organic food consumption halts the chances of unhealthy effects of hormones on the human body. The use of organic food reduces the chances of long-term diseases such as cancer and heart attack. The quality of organic food should also be assessed before usage to ensure that you are using the right healthy food.

Is Investment In Organic Food Beneficial?

Organic food

The only disadvantage to buying organic food from the local markets is the cost. Organic food is significantly costlier than artificially treated food items. But you should view this cost as a small investment for your healthy body. Moreover, by using organic food, you can become a helping hand to the local farmers who are true to their profession. 

It will motivate farmers to opt for organic farming and reduce the use of pesticides and artificial hormones. Thus, you should try to increase the local farmer’s markets in your area by consuming their products.


Hormones in food play an important role in a child’s growth. But overconsumption of these hormones can lead to fatal diseases such as breast cancer and heart attack. It is not possible to determine the quantity of hormones present in the food items available in the market. So, the best possible solution is to buy organic food from the local farmers and become a helping hand in their growth and prosperity.

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  1. Why are agencies allowing the use of artificial hormones?

Artificial hormones, when used correctly, can aid in the growth and development of children.

  1. Which are the criteria for livestock to ensure food is organic?

  • The cattle must only be fed vegetarian feed.

  • The livestock must not be provided with slaughtered meat.

  • The meat should not be treated with radiation.

  • The animals are not treated with any artificial hormones.

  1. Are there any disadvantages of organic food?

Unprocessed foods have almost no side effects or disadvantages. The only disadvantage of organic food is that it is costlier than inorganic food items.

  1. Why is organic food costlier?

Organic food is costlier as animals diffused with artificial hormones yield a greater amount of milk than other animals.

  1. From where can I get the highest quality organic food?

Local farmers are the best source of organic food items. The main advantage of buying food items directly from a local farmer is that you can ask questions from that farmer and make sure that the food is organic.

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