
Fri, 13 Dec, 2019

Can Horoscopes Truly Predict Your Bad Day?

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Numerology collage concept

So you are having the worst day of your life, many things are not going right, and your world is crashing down to pieces. You calm yourself down, and swipe up to look at your horoscope and see the reason for all your problems. While delving down the whole paragraph, you see why you didn't skip the puddle and smash yourself in dirty water, and why your colleagues fought with you.  

What a sigh of relief! Some paragraph written by some person has provided you with some comfort and a back to blame. It wasn't your fault you didn't set the alarm and were late to the meeting, later got scolded by your seniors, or spilled your coffee on your favorite mattress.

Should One Follow Horoscopes!

Horoscope and astrology collage

One shouldn't follow horoscopes mindlessly. In many cases, a person may think the alignment of stars cannot predict our destiny and faith. Many people believe in astrology, but it doesn't necessarily mean they are always right. The predictions may be right for a few weeks, but after a few weeks, they might become monotonous. Instead of keeping your life steady and working hard, you will blame it on the stars. You will become dependent and blame your horoscope for everything.

Horoscopes offer a chance to blame your bad deeds or misfortunes on destiny or the stars. But, in reality, stars' alignment with the sun or any one-page paragraph wouldn't be able to predict your future. Neither will it help you become happy and prosperous without any hard work.

So, kudos to people who do not follow any horoscope or zodiac signs. You have made yourself unique and separated your life from the herd. Astrology and horoscopes are like pseudoscience. The concept has been around for thousands of years, which may be because of superstitious beliefs. Or this might be because of someone’s ardent faith in something beyond the human world.

Horoscope is among the most searched words on Google. This research reveals that people do love getting their future predictions. We all are complicated, even more unstable, and everyone has challenges and obstacles. But, instead of blaming the horoscopes, one should work harder, have more patience, and do things that can help us rectify our flaws, rather than just blaming everything on our horoscopes.  


We all have unsaid stories and feelings. At some point in life, we have felt deceived or discouraged. We might get peace and security from reading our horoscopes when there is no shoulder to cry on and nothing to comfort us. Sometimes, blaming your horoscope might be a good reason to explain our embarrassing and reckless moments, but it should never permanently impact one's life.

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  1. Define horoscope.

Astrologers can use horoscopes to predict any person's problems and life. Horoscope is all about the alignment of the stars and planets and the signs of the zodiac at a particular time. Every individual character and birth date are matched to discover the possibilities of problems.

  1. Can a person's horoscope tell about someone's problems?

Various studies and research have shown that a person's horoscope can somewhat tell about the future and other events. In short, astrology encourages people to reflect upon themselves, enabling people to understand themselves. Although, there is no scientific proof that these horoscopes are valid.

  1. How can these zodiac signs affect our stars?

Astrological signs help determine any person's behavior during a specific period. Stars like the sun influence the zodiac. The sun moves over all the zodiac signs leading to changes in place and has a phenomenal impact on one's personality and other problems. Your actions result in determining the sun's position from your zodiac house.

  1. Does the horoscope and its zodiac signs matter for any person?

All 12 zodiac signs are linked to creating a positive response, and they can help in forecasting your attributes and character. It is thought that couples with similar spiritual and zodiac signs are more likely to bond. Whereas, couples with incompatible zodiac signs are more likely to split up or have a divorce.

  1. Can zodiac signs help in improving relationships?

As per belief, zodiac faults do impact relationships and one's life. Some zodiac signs are known to be excessively impulsive. On the other hand, some signs dominate, and some might be overly ambitious.

  1. What are the different personality traits under the zodiac signs?

Zodiac signs are categorized into four sections. Fire signs represent passionate and energetic individuals, earth signs are practical and grounded, air zodiac signs are intelligent and inquiring, and water signs are intuitive and emotional.

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