Writers Guild

Wed, 21 Aug, 2019

7 Benefits of Learning English Story Writing Course for Class 5 Children!

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About English Story Writing Course for Class 5 Children

Our online English story writing course is specially designed for 5th class students who love to let their imaginations run wild. Unlock your child's potential with an English Story Writing Course for class 5 children! Discover 7 amazing benefits of mastering this critical skill.Your child would be taken on a journey to express themselves better, along with proper grammar and other literary skills.

It doesn't matter if your child is the best writer or not, our English story writing course will take your child's writing skills to the next level.

The online English story writing course promotes valuable writing habits such as perseverance and attention to detail. Furthermore, your child will develop a passion for reading and writing as they progress through the course. 

You would enjoy seeing your child develop the most rewarding hobby of all time—writing. As a parent, you would also know a lot about your child's perspective as you read their stories. 

If your child loves to talk about their day at the dinner table and always has elaborate plots in their stories, they would love our online English story writing course. 

Our online English creative training course not only helps kids hone their writing skills but also makes them better communicators. Through the course, the kids would also learn about grammar and even figures of speech.

The Online English story writing course will help your child to:

  • explore their unique writer voice and perspective

  • stimulate their brains to think out-of-the-box 

  • enhance their artistic expressions

  • express thoughts with clarity

  • develop an appreciation for literature in general

 Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits Of Learning Story Writing

story writing for kids

Learning anything is always beneficial but learning how to write has exceptional benefits. The best part of this online English story writing course is that it benefits both the child and the parent.

As a parent, you get to know more about your child, their world, and their perspective. As you read their stories, you would realize the stories are inspired by your child's life. You would probably learn more about them through their writings than any conversations with them. 

It also allows you to marvel at your child's ideas and their innocent view of the world. You would realize how many things miss your eye, but never a child's.

  1. Better Communicators

Solid literary knowledge helps your child express themselves in the world. As your child learns to write and develop their unique voice, you would see their individuality shine. There's no better feeling than seeing your child express themselves freely.

  1. More Confident

Good communicators are often confident people. When your child realizes they are one of a kind and only they can serve what they have, they would feel proud. A confident child does better at every task.

  1. More Appreciative

Writers have an eye for detail and an intrinsic appreciation of trivial things. You would be amazed to see how little things catch your child's attention and how appreciative they are of them. Also, childhood is the best time to teach your child to be more appreciative.

  1. Develops Patience and Perseverance

Do you know how many people fail to write a novel just because they aren't patient enough? Our online English story writing course ensures your child doesn't grow up to become one of those adults. 

Moreover, patience and perseverance are golden habits that everyone should inculcate in their children. These qualities pay off in the long run regardless of what your child plans to do.

  1. Brilliant Writers

You didn't think we'd forget that? Our English story writing course aims to make your child a budding writer. Our world needs good stories, and we are sure your child is the one to pen them down.

  1. Helps Your Child in Their English Curriculum

Most schools now have story writing as a part of their English curriculum. Story writing is an art that cannot be taught at school as there's not a lot of time for the teachers to invest in every topic. 

However, is it a vital skill for your child to learn? Our English story writing course helps take off your burden to teach your child to write stories and nurture the writer in your child. And since it's related to the school curriculum it helps your child to get better grades as well. Also, story writing skills can help your child form their literature answers better.

  1. Ardent readers

Someone who writes is someone who reads. If you are worried that your child isn't much of a reader, maybe we can help you out. A good writer requires a lot of vocabulary and ideas to keep up with their writing skills. Thus, we encourage our budding writers to read a lot. 

PlanetSpark strives to help nurture creativity in children. A creative child can become an adult who can think out of the box. Enroll you child at PlanetSpark’s best English story writing course for class 5 children today! Visit their website to know more.

 Book a FREE class NOW to get the benefits of learning Story writing with PlanetSpark!

Benefits Of PlanetSpark Online Courses

Learn story writing

  1. Live 1:1 English story writing course for class 5th

PlanetSpark educators will give your child 1:1 attention while training them in writing skills as beginners. We understand that every child has unique needs and a unique pace at which they learn. 

Thus, our educators always customize their teaching methods according to your child’s needs and learning abilities. The teachers at PlanetSparks online English story writing course, combine multiple methods and approaches to teach your child essential skills needed for writing. Our teachers nurture the qualities required to write a compelling and impactful story.  

  1. Every step of the way with our literary writing experts

Writing a good story is not only a task for the writer but a collective effort. A lot of factors influence a creative thinker, one of them is creating an environment for writing. 

As a parent, you can do a lot, but it all boils down to the energy of the instructor. Our educators inspire kids to work better rather than being strict and unreachable. Your child would make friends with our teachers as our experts support your child at every step. 

Such unconditional support often inspires kids to work harder and be more patient with themselves. And that is our goal as we bring to you the best story writing course for class 5th kids!

  1. Online English story writing course Created by writers

PlanetSpark’s Online English story writing course for class 5 children is curated by experts in writing and literature, who have been in the industry and themselves published several books. We believe only people who have done it themselves can teach other people. Thus, we bring to you the best from the industry to teach and support your child to walk this wonderful journey with us!

  1. Fun and Engaging Approach 

We intend to make learning fun and exciting at PlanetSpark ’s Online English story writing course for class 5th children. As the child goes draft after draft coming up with the best storyline and character, it can get monotonous. However, our teachers are full of radiant energy and are fun-loving people who make work and learning fun!

Gone are the days of no expression and boring classes. Our educators love to interact, share their own experiences and inspire children to read and write good stories.

  1. Holistic Approach to Story writing for Class 5th students 

We know how daunting it can be for a small kid to learn a new skill such as story writing while even adults fear it! Thus, we support your child every step of the way. Our teachers not only help children to write better but also to develop the habit of reading. When your child sees their peers read, it motivates them to read and discuss too! 

It is important because writing is based on reading skills. Thus, a more holistic approach to literature can help your child develop both skills at the same time.

  1. Skills Developed in Online English story writing course

We teach our children to take initiative, show patience and perseverance in the face of challenges as they write, and practice creativity and critical thinking with confidence. We teach them that their imagination and individuality are their greatest power. We also drive them to explore their talents without fear of rejection or the need for perfection. We love confident children who believe in themselves, and we nurture all our students to become that!

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What age groups do you teach at Platnetspark?

PlanetSpark is building World Leaders in Communication Skills out of children in the age groups of 4 to 14 years, setting them up for a bright future and making them ready for careers of tomorrow regardless of what profession they choose.

  1. What is PlanetSpark and what do they do?

PlanetSpark is an educational platform that has taken upon itself the responsibility of making the young generation good orators and writers. We want to build a leader out of every child as they express themselves clearly and confidently. 

Also, we wish to change the face of the unorganized tuition sector and make it more approachable with world-class education, according to international standards. 

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

We believe in quality education and giving ample time to our students to assimilate what they learn. Thus, these modules are designed as per the age group of each child. For our story writing course for class 5 students, the duration of the course is ___, so that your child feels comfortable with the pace. The course is also mixed with several fun activities and tasks. The fees of this course is a nominal ___, you can’t really put a price on art, can you?

  1. How will the parents know if the child is progressing well?

Progress is less about marks and more about sparking an interest in the subject. However, we do understand that marks are a vital part of education now. With PlanetSpark, your child would fall in love with learning as we explore new topics together, each day! 

With our teaching experts, your child can clarify their doubts, not only about the course but also if they bring some out of the school classroom. Their dedication, interest, and marks would surely reflect the progress they are making. Also, you can always check their results on our modules to keep tabs.

  1. What are some benefits of taking up our online English story writing course for class 5 students?

Firstly, writing is a great habit to cultivate in kids as it also encourages them to read more. Kids also learn to express themselves better as they learn how to pen down their emotions. Writing is often therapeutic and would give a pretty good insight into the mental and emotional development of your child. 

Story writing is often in a course for most students so that's another win. Our English story writing course might just do the trick!

  1. What is a Creative Writing Course?

There can be several definitions as to what a creative writing course is depending on what the course is aiming to teach you. For us creative writing allows a kid to explore the world of imagination and let dreams run wild! Check out our best story writing course for class 5 children today!

  1. Should your child take a Creative Writing Course? Who should take a Creative writing class?

Anyone who wants to improve their writing craft should take a creative writing course. Maybe you’d like for your child to grow up to write a bestseller or you fancy seeing their name in the column of a national newspaper. 

Or even, perhaps you want to maintain a personal diary of their childhood memories for them to laugh at several years later when you sit together to read. A creative writing course such as our English story writing course for students can benefit every child!

  1. How do you equip your child to become a writer?

Fortunately, story writing doesn’t cost you hundreds of pounds to get started. A dedicated notebook or diary along with a pen or pencil should do the trick. It requires a lot of patience on your part to encourage your child to pen down whatever goes on in their heads. 

While most of it might not make sense initially, over the years you’d love to see complex storylines develop in your child’s mind! Also, a good writer is equipped with tons of good books to read.

  1. Why is Creative Writing so Important?

We have always focused a lot on building a career, but learning the art of creative writing can help your child with a range of other fields. Character development, writing prompts, and other practices help us think in new ways, form new perspectives. Consequently, creativity is a crucial part of our human existence. Writing skills can help your child communicate and navigate this world better, with more appreciative eyes.

  1. What activities can you do at home to keep up with our English story writing course?

You can give a new prompt for a story every day to your child, there are tons available online as well as on our site. You can ask them to write about their day in their personal diary and even show them a picture and ask them to write a story based on the image. Both of you could build a story together as well!

  1. Will my child get a platform to publish their work?

As of now, PlanetSpark doesn’t have anything that can help your child to publish their work. However, you would find a lot of magazines and storybooks that would love to publish your child’s work!

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