Creating Confidence

Sat, 05 Nov, 2022

7 benefits of Confidence-Building Course for Class 5 Students!

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The Need For Confidence-Building Training For Class 5 Kids

As an adult, how often have you experienced yourself shying away from speaking up or taking action because of low self-esteem? You are not alone if you have. So, why should you be hard on your child who only needs the right kind of training to be more self-confident? 

Low self-confidence is commonplace among children and, in most cases, lasts throughout their adult life. It could stem from many factors, including fear of criticism, low self-esteem, extreme consciousness of one’s image, past failures, or simply a feeling of unpreparedness. While the true meaning of self-confidence is relative, it essentially means to have faith in ourselves even when circumstances convince us otherwise. Be it public speaking, writing answers in a test, or simply raising a hand in class to answer a question, there are several instances in a child’s day-to-day life that require self-confidence. 

Confidence cannot be learned like a skill, and it does not develop overnight. Instead, confidence reflects how we have been brought up, what we think about ourselves, and how we react to challenges. So, how can a confidence-building course for class 5 students address the issues? Well, self-confidence is a state of mind that your child can achieve through practice and training. 

At PlanetSpark, the goal of our online confidence-building course for class 5 is to help students boost their self-esteem and help them reinforce belief in their own abilities and accept shortcomings. Our curated class 5 confidence-building classes will teach children that self-confidence is not about being a know-it-all. Instead, self-confidence is about trusting oneself even in the face of challenging situations. 

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How Can PlanetSpark’s Online Confidence-Building Course For Class 5 Help Your Child?

Self-confidence is an attribute that benefits people of all ages and from all walks of life. While most people struggle to boost their self-confidence well into adulthood, training children from a young age can help create more confident individuals. Moreover, it is also common for people to have high self-confidence in their domain of expertise but falter in situations outside their comfort zone. However, developing a healthy level of self-confidence overall helps people excel in their personal and professional life, especially if the training begins at the right age.

PlanetSpark’s grade 5 confidence-building classes will train your child to be more confident in their abilities while being comfortable with their flaws. Our live one-on-one online classes in interactive virtual classrooms are designed to keep students engaged and entertained while learning some of the most vital life skills through games and activities. 

If you are wondering what our confidence building course for class 5 has in store, here is a sneak peek into some components of our learning programs that help teach self-confidence in children:

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Child-Friendly Activities To Boost Self-Confidence

Students in class 5 fall in the concrete operational stage of cognitive development as theorized by Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget. According to Piaget, children in the 7-11 years age group are capable of logical reasoning, although mostly limited to concrete situations. Therefore, it is the ideal time to inculcate self-confidence through tangible experiences that engage children’s mental and physical capacities. 

Children benefit from activity-based learning in both academic and non-scholastic areas. Training through hands-on activities not only engages the cognitive faculties but also involves a child's motor abilities, resulting in the holistic achievement of learning outcomes. Building self-confidence is one of the areas with ample scope of letting a child learn through immersive activities aimed at boosting self-esteem. 

Below is a list of activities to support confidence-building training for grade 5 children:

  • Teach life skills

Train your child in new skills beginning from simple household chores such as doing the dishes, gardening, baking, and cleaning. Such activities boost self-esteem and give children a sense of productivity. At the same time, teach your child to be comfortable with failure and let them understand that it is okay not to succeed at times. So, even if they initially make a mess while cleaning or end up baking an imperfect cake, teach them to learn from mistakes instead of dwelling on the failure.

  • Give the power to choose

Confidence-building training for grade 5 children involves making them understand that choices have consequences. Giving kids the power to choose builds positive self-esteem and makes them take responsibility for their decisions. Begin with something simple such as asking your child to decide the dinner menu for your family. When they understand that their decision’s outcome involves other people, they will naturally be more conscious of their choice. Moreover, simple tasks like these prepare kids for more important life choices in later life.

  • Encourage problem-solving

Don’t you feel a sense of accomplishment every time you solve a problem yourself? Well, it is no different with children. So, whenever your child runs into trouble (that does not require immediate adult intervention), give them the space to find a solution before you jump in. Say your child gets stuck while solving a math problem. Instead of helping them right away, give them time to rethink the problem and develop a solution. While the process may take time, it will significantly boost your child’s confidence. 

  • Practice public speaking

Public speaking is one of the most effective and practical ways to boost self-confidence in kids. However, public speaking need not always be in a formal environment. Encouraging your child to talk about even the most ordinary objects in their surroundings can be helpful. For example, you can ask your child to speak about their favorite TV show or book for a minute or two. A presentation can accompany it to improve their technological skills. Make sure that you applaud their efforts through positive reinforcements such as clapping, a thumbs-up, or a “Well done!”

  • Inspire creativity

Helping your child get their creative juices flowing positively impacts their self-confidence. Indulging in creative activities is a way of self-expression and boosts self-esteem, gives a sense of accomplishment, teaches focus, and helps acquire new skills. There are several ways to engage your child in creative experiences that are enjoyable and wholesome. For example, you can ask them to build a ‘treasure map’ of different hidden objects around the house. Or, you can ask your child to create something out of recyclable materials such as empty bottles, old magazines, aluminum cans, and the like.

Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s best confidence building courses and make your child a confident person!

Benefits Of Confidence-Building Training For Fifth-Graders

Self-confidence can be defined as a positive mindset towards one’s abilities and limitations. A self-confident person has faith in themselves while accepting the inevitable flaws. Moreover, self-confidence leads people to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses, which helps them have a sense of control in life. 

Building self-confidence is crucial in children and adults alike. Since pre-teen and teen is a decisive stage in every individual’s life, a confidence-building course for class 5 students can go a long way in shaping their future selves. 

Below we list some of the significant benefits of confidence-building training for class 5 to help you invest in the holistic development of your child:

  • Develops a positive self-image

If your child is underconfident, they may feel insecure, anxious, unloved, and become more sensitive to criticism. On the other hand, self-confidence boosts self-esteem, increases tolerance towards criticisms, enables better communication, and helps in realistic goal-setting. 

  • Increases sense of self-worth

Low self-confidence often fills a person with negativity, fear of failure, and self-doubt. A person with low self-confidence constantly seeks external validation. However, a boost in self-confidence makes people value themselves and their abilities.

  • Reduces social anxiety

Social anxiety is pretty common among children, and it often stems from a lack of self-worth and self-confidence. A confidence-building course for class 5 kids will teach them to feel more secure in their skin and worry less about what others might think of them in social situations.

  • Improves academic performance

Academic achievements and high self-confidence have a positive correlation. Those who feel confident about themselves tend to excel academically compared to those who suffer from low self-esteem. Moreover, high self-esteem pushes children to set higher goals and learn new things.

  • Motivates and energizes

Increased confidence boosts personal energy and motivates people to achieve goals. Children who are highly motivated and energized readily take up challenges and are usually quick at problem-solving and decision-making. 

  • Enhances negotiation skills

People tend to be influenced by individuals who exude self-confidence. Be it a salesperson pitching a product or parents trying to persuade their child, negotiation is a critical interpersonal skill based on self-confidence. Confidence-building training for class 5 children goes a long way in sharpening negotiation skills.

  • Brings contentment

Most importantly, a boost in self-confidence brings mental satisfaction and a feeling of contentment. Confident people tend to be more content with their life than people who lack confidence in themselves.

Book a FREE class NOW and get the above benefits of confidence building courses for your child!

Here’s What Parents Have To Say About PlanetSpark

  • “The team of PlanetSpark includes sparkling educationists who want to bring an innovative change in the education system.”

Ankita Dhoot

Gurgaon, India

  • “The modules are engaging and focus on conceptual learning. Classes are a learning experience for kids as well as enjoyable for them.”

Anjali Chahal

Gurgaon, India

  • “PlanetSpark not only helps in conceptual learning but also helps kids to understand the ‘why’ behind the concept.”

Vinita Tripathi

Bangalore, India

  • “The teaching methodology, interesting and engaging learning strategies and the materials of PlanetSpark gives a wonderful, fun-based learning.”

Mayuri Malhotra

Delhi, India 


  1. What are confidence-building activities for class 5?

Confidence-building activities for class 5 children include public speaking, learning life skills, engaging in creative pursuits, solving problems, and participating in meaningful chores.

  1. What are 5 ways to improve self-esteem?

While there are many ways to improve self-esteem, you can start with the following:

  • Identify your strengths and develop them

  • Learn to accept compliments

  • Use positive affirmations

  • Be kind to yourself

  • Stop comparing yourself to others

  1. What are the 5 areas of self-esteem?

Some of the core components of self-esteem are a sense of social belonging, a sense of purpose, a feeling of personal and interpersonal security, a feeling of self-control, and a sense of reward 

  1. How do you build confidence in a child’s reading?

Here are some ways through which you can boost a child’s reading confidence:

  • Cut down the pressure

  • Make reading enjoyable through tone and body language

  • Give children privacy while they practice

  • Skip criticism and give positive reinforcement

  • Let children pick out books

  1. What causes low self-esteem in a child?

Low self-esteem in children can stem from several factors, including fear of failure, past experiences, self-doubt, family problems, physical and emotional abuse, extremely critical elders, bullying, etc. It is crucial to identify the cause of low self-esteem before engaging the child in confidence-boosting exercises 

  1. What are the signs of low self-esteem in children?

Signs of low self-esteem in children include negative self-image, loneliness, underconfidence, difficulty maintaining friendships, inability to deal with failure, self-doubt, self-criticism, constant comparison with peers, and a tendency to resist change.

  1. What destroys a child's confidence?

Several factors can be detrimental to a child’s confidence, including:

  • Abusive parents

  • Conditioning to believe that achievement equals self-worth

  • Discouraging from new experiences

  • Comparing with peers

  • Setting unrealistic expectations

  1. What are self-confidence examples?

Self-confidence is a person’s belief in their own abilities. Examples of self-confidence would be an artist knowing that their strength lies in watercolor paintings or a student having faith in their preparations before an important test.

  1. How do I stop being so insecure?

Insecurity often results from low self-esteem. Here are some ways to help yourself:

  • Identify your strengths

  • Embrace your flaws

  • Celebrate small achievements

  • Surround yourself with good company

  • Affirm your value

  • Make time for yourself

  1. Why is self-confidence important?

Some benefits of healthy self-confidence include:

  • Positive self-image

  • Sense of self-worth

  • Contentment

  • Motivation to chase goals

  • Better negotiation skills

  • Improved academic performance

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