
Sat, 26 Oct, 2019

4 Ways Human Beings Can Contribute to “Going Green”

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Go green

Environmental change is real and to think that it won't impact people's lives is a mistake. It has become necessary to go green by planting more trees and opting for a vegan lifestyle in such circumstances.

Many reasons drive the global push to go green. The dependency on natural resources for material and energy requirements is becoming a major environmental and economic problem. As per research, the world will run out of many necessary materials because many resources are nonrenewable, and renewable resources are at risk.  

To assist you, PlanetSpark has compiled a list of factors that can help humans go green to make the environment a better place to live.

Go Vegan

Vegan food

If you love eating dairy products and meat, start reducing consumption to once a week and stop eating at all. Eating low on the food chain will help the environment. Buying organic products and purchasing from local farmers will also keep the money in the local economy.

Reuse And Recycle

Start buying products that can be recycled and reused. Many new startups are making recycled clothes made from organic material. Start using paper bags and avoid carrying your products in plastic polythene; reduce the use of plastic in your life, and even if you are using it, try to recycle it.

Walk or commute by cycle.

A man cycling

Walk or take your bike to work. Gas emission is one of the reasons for environmental change. Over the period, various techniques are used by every government to reduce gas emissions, but it is in our hands entirely what choices we make. Commuting to your office on a cycle is one way of contributing to a greener environment.


The best way to make the environment healthier and greener is by volunteering in cleanliness and environment-friendly drives. Over the past years, activists like Greta Thunerbeg have been active in spreading awareness regarding environmental change. You can also be part of such a drive and make more people aware. What's a better contribution than spreading a message and convincing people to go green.


  1. State one of the cheapest ways to go green?

Recycling newspapers is by far the cheapest and easiest way of going green. Millions of newspapers are being wasted. You could find some in your home as well, start by using them as wrapping paper or send them to paper recycling factories.

  1. Is it difficult to go green?

Right now, living a sustainable lifestyle is difficult, but you can start by contributing to little things like recycling and using eco-friendly products.

  1. State benefits of going green?

Reduce pollution, conserve natural resources; it is economical; a green lifestyle is also good for your health. It saves the extinction of species.

  1. How to go green at school?

Start a green club, plant more trees on school premises, initiate trash picking up drives, educate more students about the reason to go green, and add recycling bins.

  1. Is eating fish environment-friendly?

Eating fishes have much less effect on space than eating land-based food. It is also carbon-efficient food.

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