The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 14 May, 2018

4 Features of PlanetSpark’s Best Rhythm and Rhyme Course for Class 2 Kids!

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About Our Rhythm and Rhyme Course for Class 2 Kids

Many cultures around the world use rhythm and rhyme to soothe, entertain, and teach their young ones about languages. Children find it easy and fun to listen to and speak rhymes. The best rhythm and rhyme course for class 2 is a fun and easy way for a child to learn the English language fluently.

Rhythm And Rhyme training for class 2 is especially beneficial for those kids who find it hard to learn the English language. Or they are simply uninterested in it. Rhythm and rhyme add musicality to the words and language. While rhyme is the similarity in pronunciations of two words, rhythm is the pattern of a poem or song. This makes it easier for a child to understand the pronunciations of similar words and also adds tone to their reading.

We understand the importance of having fluency and command of the English language, but maybe your child doesn’t. That’s why enrolling them to learn Rhythm And Rhyme for class 2 is one of the best ways to make them learn the language quickly and in a fun way. They’ll also start finding it exciting and show massive progress.

The class 2 rhythm and rhyme development class is best to encourage the kid into learning new languages and make them love learning as well. This can be beneficial for all kids who are uninterested in studying as well.

Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits of Rhythm and Rhyme Class for Class 2 Kids

Rhythm And Rhyme Course for class 2 kids

  • Rhyming teaches children how language works

  • Rhymes assist children in experiencing the rhythm of language. As they repeat rhymes, they learn to speak with animated voices. Eventually, they’ll read with expression, too.

  • When children are familiar with rhymes, they learn to anticipate the rhyming word. This equips them to make predictions when they read, another essential reading skill.

  • Rhyming is essential for writing, too. It can help children understand that words with familiar sounds often share common letters.

  • When listening to rhyming songs and poems, children create a mental picture, expanding their imagination.

  • Since rhyming is fun, it adds joy to the sometimes daunting task of learning to read.

PlanetSpark offers the best rhythm and rhyme course for class 2 kids. So, without any further delay, book a FREE class and start learning today!

Features of PlanetSpark’s Rhythm and Rhyme Course For Class 2

Rhythm And Rhyme Course for class 2 kids

  1. Live 1:1 Guidance

With the proper personal guidance, a kid can learn the English language faster and better. While we give due importance to interactive activities among kids, we also know the importance of 1 on 1 guidance. Kids will get both in this Rhythm And Rhyme Course For Class 2.

  1. Expert & Trained Teachers

All our teachers excel at what they do. All our teachers have mastery of the English language, and they are also trained to teach kids specifically. Moreover, our teachers have aced the PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT), an exam taken by more than 1 lakh teachers worldwide.

  1. Fun & Interesting Projects

While learning English may sound boring, it’s not. Learning English through rhymes and rhythms is fun. We make sure that kids find it even more exciting and fun by assigning them simple and fun projects to do. These can be individual and group projects. We understand that they are kids, and that’s also one thing we always focus on while teaching them.

  1. Comprehensive Course Module

Rhythm And Rhyme Course for class 2 In English is curated so that it helps kids develop other skills as well. Kids will learn to speak the English language fluently, their communication skills will also be boosted, and they will develop an interest in learning this language as well. This course is created to help them with the skills they need for the future.

For more information about our rhythm and rhyme course for class 2 kids, book a FREE class NOW and start learning today!


  1. How do you teach rhythm and rhyme?

We use different teaching methods and fun activities to teach the child rhythm and rhyme. There are also worksheets that the child needs to fill out for better understanding. In addition, our comprehensive course module makes it easier and more fun for the kids to learn rhythm and rhyme.

  1. What are rhythm and rhymes for kids?

Rhyme is the resemblance of sound between words, mainly when these are used at the ends of lines of a poem.

Rhythm is the measured flow of phrases and words as measured by the connection of long and short or stressed and unstressed syllables.

  1. What are rhyming words for Grade 2?

Two or more words that have identical or similar ending sounds are called Rhyming words. Some examples of rhyming words are goat, moat, boat, and float.

  1. What are the types of rhythm?

There are five types of rhythm:

  • Random Rhythm.

  • Regular Rhythm.

  • Flowing Rhythm.

  • Alternating Rhythm.

  • Progressive Rhythm.

  1. Why Teach The Kids Rhythm And Rhyme?

Learning rhythm and rhyme make it easier to read the language. It is also helpful in polishing language skills and gives a head start to the child in learning the English language. Once a kid learns to read, learning this language becomes easier.

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